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Hello, Patrons! For this month's wallpaper, I thought I'd try my hand at illustrating The Dire Days of WIllowweep Manor, my graphic novel with Christopher Baldwin. Chris did the art for the book and I did (most of) the writing, but here's my interpretation of heroine Haley in a classic Women Running from Houses gothic paperback cover. It turns out drawing houses is actually pretty hard.

You can get this wallpaper for desktop and phone, along with a bonus March wallpaper from the archives, here:


And if you have suggestions for future wallpaper illustrations, let me know in the comments!




Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley again, and they were out of ice ceam and so I flounced my full skirts and ran away while dramatic music swelled and the skies darkened ominously. Oh, and there was this dog, or maybe it was a cat, and a guy who I knew really well in the dream but don't actually know at all, and then I was in my third-grade classroom and the desk was way too small, so I woke up. Kind of an ordinary dream, actually.