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entry password: virtuous


Jacob Haller

I like Shaenon's insertion of the army/air force rivalry note in strip 3. Regarding strip 6, I have a cousin who had bought a bunch of surplus MREs, and I was over at his house looking at them and noticed that they had a little panel of pro-eating propaganda on them, explaining that it was necessary to eat or else you would get weak, not be able to concentrate on your duties, etc. My conclusion was that those things must taste /fantastic/. (I've looked at other MREs since then, hoping to take a picture, but most of them don't have these panels on them, so I'm not sure where my cousin got his MREs.)

Jacob Haller

Actually, you can see what I'm talking about in the MRE pictured at the bottom center of this picture: <a href="http://www.thescoop303.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/mre2.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thescoop303.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/mre2.jpg</a> It says: "You are more active during field training, deployment and combat than in garrison. You need to eat more and drink more water or other fluids in these situations. When you don't eat enough to meet your body's energy needs, you lose weight. This can lead to a loss of body fluids and degrades your performance. In the field you NEED three meals per day. One Meal, Ready-toEat (MRE) contains 1200 to 1300 calories. Average daily calorie requirements in the field are 2800 to 3600 calories for males and 2000 to 2800 for females." Then it has tips on what to do if you can't eat the whole thing. As I say, I can only assume these are totally delicious.