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Because I have my finger on the pulse of what's cool and hip, this month's wallpaper is inspired by vintage seed catalogues. Please enjoy it along with a bonus September wallpaper from the archives here:


Thanks so much!





They could bring back Gros Michel bananas if people weren't such wusses about GMO. If you don't know about Big Mike bananas it's because you are too young. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gros_Michel_banana


I don't remember losing them, so I guess I am too young, even though not young by most standards. I think we'll have to crank out the GMO to have bananas at all once Panama disease gets a taste for the Cavendish.

Nick Smith

Actually, the loss of Gros Michel bananas in most areas wasn't exactly because of GMOs, or the reaction against them. They were a naturally-bred variety that is just very susceptible to diseases. That made it a bad mono-crop, because infections spread like wildfire. That's why the banana companies changed to other varieties 50+ years ago. There was talk about genetically modifying it to reduce that, but all I've seen so far is cross-breeding with other varieties, which still might be better than a GMO mono-crop.