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Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

I'm Enokimaru!

and wow, 2023 has flown by~~ it's already 2024!

So, to start off the new year, I've decided to look back on my animations from last year.

Reflection and improvement are important aspects of creating great work, right?
With that in mind,I intend to elaborate on the challenges I faced and the mistakes I made in my animation!

I can almost hear some of you saying,
"If you have time to write this, you should be making animations!"
...but I've been busy working since the end of the year.
This post is a little breath of fresh air for me since I've spent so much time away from home 😿
It's quite lengthy, so if you find the time or are interested in learning more about what I do, feel free to dive in~!!

January - Lucario shortLoop Animation

At that time, I was really into Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and was inspired to create this animation.

This is the source of the idea.


This animation was a challenge to see how much animation could be done with large parts without disassembling the parts as much as possible. I didn't slack off in any way!

This is a very short loop animation, but I really didn't slack off!

Looking back, the animation still feels quite odd to me.

If want to make a good animation, it is important to separate the parts, even if it takes a lot of time and effort.

But the problem is that it's really a pain in the ass to separate the parts,

However, I never slack off...

Oh, hello, Ikone...

......... I confess...I slacked off!

My deepest apologies to everyone!

This Animation took 20 hours to make.

February - IKONE Animation

This animation features my partner, Ikone!

Although it was created following an X vote, I must admit I had always planned to animate him from the start! 😹

For this animation, I put more effort into the ych-senpai animation than into the ikone.

Especially the buttocks bouncing was really difficult, and I had a hard time making them bounce naturally.

It seems to be in the creator’s nature to focus more on certain details than on the main subject, doesn't it?
Or is that just me? I see...

Incidentally, when I looked back at this animation, I reflected on the fact that in the scene where IKONE ejaculates, the layer of the effect of IKONE's blushing was too far forward, and that effect was applied to the cum as well.

This is a good animation that helped me learn that layers should be set up properly.

Thanks Ikone!

This Animation took 30 hours to make.

May- Protogen Animation

This is the longest animation I've ever created, lasting up to 15 minutes!

I started making this animation in December of 2022, but since I was sick at work at the time and slacking off on making animations, the actual time it took me to make this animation was about 3 months.

The reason I made this animation is because I would like to see more protogen animation.

I've been a fan of protogen for a few years now, but there are surprisingly few protogen animations. And most of them are 3d works, not so many 2d animations. So I decided to make my own.

There are twice as many animation scenes as before, so I checked everything from animation mistakes to sound edits over and over again. It took as much time to check the animation as it did to create it.

I still remember my hands shaking when I posted the animation because it took me so long to make it😹

As a result, as of New Year's Day 2024...

I had never anticipated the score would exceed 5,000!

I still can't believe that I can match it, as the only protogen that has a score over 5000 is dreamertooth's Animation.

I first learned about protogen when I saw dreamertooth's animation at a time when I had never even painted a picture properly, so to think that I have grown from there to where I am today is truly impressive...!

I am really glad I made this animation. But...

I used the word slave in my animation and some people were offended...

I am really sorry about this...I was really clueless.

I see it used so often in other works that I didn't really think anything of it.

There had to be a more appropriate way to express it, such as "servant" or similar terms.

For future works, I'll ensure to use more considerate expressions.

This Animation took 200 hours to make.

June - Greninja Animation

It was my first commissioned animation and the last animation I made at sprite studio.

I dove right into making this one, riding the wave of enthusiasm from the unexpectedly positive response to protogen's animations.

This was my first commission and I was worried about how it would turn out, but I managed to finish it and upload it and happy ending! But ...


How could I have missed it? The tongue is just a scarf ...

I really am a dumbass ...

I don't know why the person making the animation doesn't notice these mistakes. Seriously.

I am really sorry for making such a mistake, so I have secretly corrected it in the Patreon version.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the end of it—I made an even more glaring error in my next project...

This Animation took 50 hours to make.

July - Floragato & Lucario Animation

I love Floragato and always have them in my party at games.

So I wanted to make an animation of him, and I decided to make that dream come true!

Since I changed the animation software to Live2d for this animation, I created this work with a new spirit.

It was really hard to make from scratch while reading the manual because the specifications were completely different, but the smoothness of the animation was really exceptional, and it is a good animation that really makes me glad I changed software!

However, the animation highlighted my drawing skills—or lack thereof...

As many of you noted, Floragato has become tooooooooooooooo big..........

I would say "let me explain", but there is no room for excuses...

Why didn't I notice it? Why do I only find out after e621's comment pointed it out?

It embarrasses me that it took external feedback to notice something so fundamental...

In other words, this was a truly educational animation that made me think that I should study not only animation but also the art of drawing.

This Animation took 90hours to make.

October - IKONE Beach Animation

This animation is personally one of the best of the year.

There is nothing to say about this animation. Because it is perfect.


sorry... I'm just kidding, so let me delve into this animation!

I created this work in order to study painting. Animation is only possible when there is a base picture to begin with, so I had to work on my painting skills as well.

At the same time, I wanted to see IKONE's various expressions, since Live2d allows detailed animation of facial expressions.

I created this animation with that subject in mind.

I think I was able to make a really sexy facial expression!

Although I wish the facial movements had a bit more of a 3d quality, this is an aspect I aim to improve upon through further study and practice.

Also, the voices were edited using new voice editing software, so they should sound cleaner than usual.

Again, I really love this animation and watch it at least once a week.

Thanks Ikone!

This Animation took 70hours to make.(Include the time of the pictures I painted, even though I didn't animate them.)

December- Noisy & Glitchy Animation

Well, this animation is the work that made me vow never to do commissions again. It's mainly my fault.

I hope you enjoy this animation on my behalf.

This Animation took ??? hours to make.(It has already exceeded the time it took to make the animation for the Protogen's Marlu.)

Future Animation Projects

I'd also like to discuss the future of animation.

And the animations I am working on now are Cinderace and Zeraora animations.

Hopefully, I will be able to release them at the end of this month.

After that, I am planning another big animation.

As last year, the main character is Marlu from Protogen.

I can't go into detail because it hasn't been finalized yet, but I'm planning to complete the project around May.

I hope you will be patient with me as I want to try many things!


Thank you for reading all the way to the end!

I have a lot of ideas that I want to make in 2024, and I will continue to make animations as steadily as possible!

Last year, I mentioned that I was making a game, but since I've switched over to using Live2d for animation, I am in the process of redoing some work.

Please be patient with this as well, I am making progress little by little to be able to show you one day.

Again, thank you all so much for reading this far!

May 2024 be a great year for you~!!!!!!


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