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Hello everyone, I'm Enokimaru!

Recently, I've been very busy with work and haven't been able to return home often.

During my breaks, I've been creating illustrations for sub-scenes in my animations and dividing the drawings into parts for animation.

When I turn these into videos, I plan to add dialogues and use them in cut-ins and other scenes.

I still have more than ten of these sub-scenes to draw, so I'll be working on them bit by bit in between tasks to complete them as soon as possible.

Ideally, I'd like to finish at least one a day, but since I get back to the company dorm late after work, I often lose to sleepiness... Sorry for being lazy!

Most of the part separation is done, and if work goes smoothly, I think I'll be able to return home next week.

When that happens, I'll start creating the animations!
Although I said I would start the animation in July, I'm really sorry that I couldn't make it...



Nerra Fall

We can wait take your time just take care of yourself Stay safe!


Hey no worries if you didn’t start in July just take your and don’t rush it’ll get done when it gets done


Thank you for your encouraging words! As you said, I'll make sure to work step by step💪