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Slow month art-wise, crazy month everything else-wise.  Anyway, here's the image pack and 'reward image' for January.   




Yay. I would never have thought of Kevin but i'm so glad you did! he looks so good! 😍


Did you not see him almost exploding out of those yellow psych ward jammie bottoms every time he went crawling around, alls I'm sayin is he can throw me across a room any day. 😉

Grayson Voyeur

young justice getting me reaaaaaal excited


Daaamn, Bishop and Gambit are hot together!


Yeah these two have been 'bosom buddies' for years and I don't see enough people acknownledging what a hot couple they make. I like how it came out but I think I'm going to have to fix Gamit's hair when I get the chance, it's a little...flat. :/