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[Download period ended]

I wanted to have it uploaded over the night, but I've found out a lot of memory limitations on my Photoshop yesterday —the hard way. orz

Mini rant warning! First the main canvas file exceeded the hard-coded limit of 2GB for PSD files (news to me!), and then every other little action I attempted just saturated my computer's scratch disks (PS's temp files grew over 40GB on each session start), so I had to start breaking apart the PSD into partially collapsed versions... all of that to even arrange layers and save the files you'll find in the DLC. Looks like that output task alone took around 3 hours...? S-so yeah. I will know to avoid those issues next time. And it seems a storage space upgrade is due :'D

ANYWAY. Totally worth it, because Miranda is just that nice. xD
Hope everyone enjoys the results!



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