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Hey all! Fegu reporting. |・ω・|ゞ Please have a read, I'll try to be quick!
Time is being a scarce resource this month, with even more domestic tasks that I hadn't anticipated, AND since last Monday a hand injury+infection adding trouble —because things just weren't complicated enough, right?— The thing has caused me a few days of limited productivity (now on antibiotics and back to work, though!).

Being as it is, art updates here will follow a little different pattern during September. Celia's short series for September will consist of at least 4 (hopefully 5) pieces with a few variations each, including Tier3 bonuses. You know my preferences and what to expect!

There is a point to telling you beforehand. What I direly need this round is to streamline my process more efficiently. For that reason, progress is following an inverted order than usual; I'm focusing first on completing the Tier3 versions (less clothes = more anatomy = foundational work getting done), to then work from there towards the lower Tier's versions (the type I usually post during the month). What this means is that I won't have yet any versions I can upload on Patreon as image posts, other than previews like this one right here. At least for a few more days, until the more sfw versions are ready for showing —aside from the DLC coming by the end of September, ofc.

In the meantime I will try to keep posting progress-updates, so you can see what's coming!

I wanted to let you know about this, so that nobody fears I'm letting the month slip away without finished content, or simply mismanaging time. I'm really trying to do the best I can in the current scenario. So hang in there with me, plz. :')



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