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Hey guys! Here showing some stuff in progress :3
Took things a bit slower the last few days, because a little personal stuffs (and omg the daily power blackouts are getting on my nerves), but I'm still here trying my best. Will have more things for you coming this weekend!

Also! Take a look at this https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206197906
if you were wondering (as I did) what's going on with the total amount of money pledged and number of patrons shown on my profile page. We are all still here, but Patreon decided to compute in a different way how the numbers are displayed! : D

(Short version: the numbers shown now are the totals after deducting the processing fees, Patreon's own 5%, and the estimate of declined pledges from patrons last month --thus also showing less patrons than are currently subscribed)



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