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This is an update I need to tell you about, guys. I think is a positive one, for the dynamic of our gallery updates as well. So please take a deep breath, and read me (when you can spare a couple minutes).

Patreon has just enabled “charge up front” mode for my campaign in October, and I think I must accept this change. I will say this now so we get it out of the way: THIS WILL NOT MODIFY ANY EXISTING PLEDGES, so all patrons who’ve been here before the new system goes live, are not going to notice any change, at all. There will be NO double charges, nor anything of that sort. And the payment dates remains the same, no alteration.

What it will affect, is that new patrons will have to confirm and pay their first pledge before being able to access the gallery. And that has started to be much of a necessity for me, given the amount of posts available altogether after my 2 years of activity on Patreon.

The way it’s been so far, any stranger could silently pledge in-and-out the same day, after collecting everything they see and without ever contributing a penny, as long as they "out" before the end of period. And I’m sad to admit there’s always been an amount of persistent lurkers that remain hooked during the thick of each month, removing their pledge before the pay cycle begins, and only to return the following month and repeat the maneuver… Quite a number of those. Oh, and fraud accounts, too… The list goes on and on.

This new system is meant to prevent those sneaky tactics, and for long it's been requested by the creators community. The update has been rolling out slowly since 2016, a few creators each month. Now my turn is up.

♦♦ What does it mean for the real supporters, tho? ♦♦
I will feel more reassured and free to upload here all kinds of final arts on a frequent basis (including the bonuses and such, for T3 patrons), instead of needing to wait for the packs to show you everything (as always had to do before, to filter out the fraud accounts). Of course saving some surprises is always fun, and the Hi-res images, PSD's and anatomy files will always be packed. So we just have more options now to get the stuff faster to -you-!

One last thing to clarify, since the switch means the pledges are going to activate forwards now. Pledges processed at the beginning of the month unlock access to the updates of that same period, instead of being a kind of late-payment for the previous month (as was before).

So, starting the change in October means that September turns into a void month, pledges-wise. But that’s only fitting I believe, considering how late August packs were delivered. So for your current pledge, you’ll receive an “October pack” —that includes the floating arts from September too. It’s gonna be a THICC pack, that one.

Thanks for reading,
Fegu out!


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