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I was once cheated on, my first boyfriend, it hurt me a lot, I think since then I have a lot of hatred to that, I do not like the idea of failing to those who put their trust in you, i think that if I had had the capacity to eat them at that moment I would have devoured them both, although at that moment I still loved him very much, but I felt so much pain at that moment and I felt so silly that it would not have hurt me to digest him inside me.

hehe I always like to tell you what I was thinking while I was creating these scenes, somehow I love to imagine what I would have looooved to do.



Animacion 19-3.mp4

Shared with Dropbox



Amazing as always 👌


To immerse your feelings in what you hope could one day be a reality. Lovely metaphor illustrated. Might need to reupload with the link if this is a video though. Always enjoy how you express yourself and share it with us Jane.


I copied the link and it just brings me to a still image?

Michael Chiarcos

Same deal Jane. It just leads to a still image. Can you repost the google link?


Oooowww I forgot to add the link in the description thanks for reminding me guys I've already added it.


I love the feeble struggle of that hand outside of being fully swallowed. Well done.

Rasiku Campbell

I'm sorry you had to experience that. I pray you find peace. This was a nice animation, I can't wait to see more.

Nelson B

Oh Wow! This one looks like it’s going somewhere, , ,(or someone already did)…. Can’t wait to see more of this!


Thanks Rasiku, that's very empathetic of you to say so, don't worry I've tried to learn as much as I can from that experience and now I like women hahahahaha