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"I am much more dangerous than I thought"

what a powerful phrase, Chelsea's stomach is much stronger than it looks, some time ago I wanted to make a Pred with such a powerful digestion.

finally it's time, but it won't be the only thing we will explore in the next chapter of this story, aaaaaa envy what a horrible condition of people but I'm sure a great story can be created exploring this condition so human.

Guys, I'm going to take a couple of days off as I told you I'm feeling a little sick.




wow looking at the digestion and absorption of Hayley looks amazing just how i like it, great work Jane. i do wonder what Charlotte is planing


Chelsea and Hayley finally one, but one other wishes to surpass her friend. Well, until the next chapter to see what envy, power, and desire leads to; dark intentions brewing for Charlotte. Bravo. Enjoy the weekend and get well soon Jane. Rest and get better as needed. Focus on self-care. I'll be waiting just fine knowing you'll be alright.


It looks fantastic! Thank you for accepting my request I highly appreciate it!

Rasiku Campbell

I really like the implications here. A Pred vs Pred battle sounds really interesting. It reminds me of Yen and Judy in A Huge Hunger, though I think it'll be more confrontational than a battle of sizes. Either way I'm excited. Feel better soon my friend. We know how you hate to miss doing work.

Michael Chiarcos

Jane, I think I like the conscious digestion of prey in this story more than the sleepy digestion and wake up when it's all done, that you've done in other stories. You really need to get back to Fire Inside.


I think I enjoy both, each one has its own charm, I know it's one of the stories I'm thinking about going back to, but I want to do something really big so I'm getting ready to do it justice.


hahaha I think it may be a similar concept but I will explore it in two different ways, exploring different motivations.

Michael Chiarcos

If you are going to animate this most recent scene, please include the crunching after her prey has passed. That would be awesome!