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How... how are you capable of this????

Even for Brigitte it must be confusing that someone who just a few hours ago was taller and probably stronger is now just trapped in her stomach.

and what a voracious and chaotic stomach Brigitte seems to have, fearsome, something like that must be mine, totally insatiable.



Toma 15-5.mp4

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I love the chaos inside Brigitte and the fear and anger Pharap may have, knowing that Brigette is all in control of it. The feeling of that fullness and power has be something; especially for Birgette to accomplish. How powerful and full must she feel now. Love it Jane. I can't wait to see how this concludes, or should I say.. digest, and wha Brigitte looks like next or consumes.

Michael Chiarcos

What will Brigitte's New Year's resolution be? Only devour close friends and enjoy them to the fullest?😜😜😜😜

Rasiku Campbell

I love the internal shots and the amazing realism you bring with Brigitte and Pharap 😍. The disorientation and struggle is wonderful! Prime work as always!

Nelson B

Wow! The addition of Pharap into Brigitte’s stomach was just amazing, and the views and movements were incredible!! Great work!😜


hehe I told you that shot was pretty complex, fitting everything together but it was worth it.


Will you be adding audio?