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The girl that I have told you that I remembered while writing this story was taller than me, at least a head taller, although I had a bigger ass, the truth is that I have always had this fetish with growing, until I became a giant, if there is something that I don't like about my body is to be so short.

but well if someday someone develops a drug to eat and grow better run hahahaha

I will tell you a couple more memories on the next page which will be the last of this first part of Cosplayer.




Estas últimas publicaciones son impresionantes, señorita Jane ❤️ Espero que haya tenido o pueda pasar una muy Feliz Navidad con sus seres queridos. 🥰

Rasiku Campbell

Knowing scientists, they'll develop that drug before finding a cure for cancer. I say this, because they recently discovered how to reanimate a dead spider... so yeah. "Science... what are we doing?"