Do you like... what you see? (Patreon)
Hi guys I want to show you a glimpse of the page I'm working on today, I hope the renders come out very fast so I can show it to you in a few hours.
I also want to show you this little snippet of one of the last reply from Patreon support where they tell me that they have had several problems on several pages the last two weeks and they are working to get the visualization of the videos running smoothly again soon, I have also taken measures so this won't affect you while Patreon techs find a solution to this, I have reviewed each post one by one and added the link to all of them in their description, it was a huge task since I had not realized but there are already more than 600 publications, it was nice to see all this journey and how much I have improved in this time, I have also revised the hagstag to make it easier to find certain publications of a certain type such as illustrations or separate them by Preds, or even something else.