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"I can feel all my muscles stretch and expand around Dva to trap her in...me."

I also want to tell you that I'm working a lot on Jill's next meal and when I'm a little further along I'll let you see more.

P.S. I'm not sure if it's dropbox or Patreon the platform that is having problems, here's the link to my latest Passions Uncovered animation and I'll keep checking what's wrong to fix it.



Toma 3-4.mp4

Shared with Dropbox



cant seem to view it D: i have the tier for it though


Yeah, don’t think any of us can view it.


mmmm that's strange Dropbox is crashing, I'm going to see how to fix it.


Wow d.va looks very happy. And very yummy 🤤 lucky Brigitte


i love this preview of it Jane ^^ great work

Michael Chiarcos

The new link works perfectly. This is a masterpiece Jane. I love it!


I think it's the Patreon platform that is having some problems, I'll keep checking to see if I can fix anything. hehe and it's only Brigitte's first meal of many many more i hope


Omg that animation is amazing! You can really feel the hunger, the craving that Bridgette has for D.Va. I don't know who I'm more jealous of tbh

Rasiku Campbell

This animation is so wonderful, that it's making me question myself about being a Prey. Maybe I'll have more fun as a Pred. Only you can give me an existential crisis about my place in the Voracracy.

Matthew Watson

Absolute masterwork. I'm personally more a fan of stills in general, but this is 10/10. I love the look on DVa's face as she's tucking her arms inside!


Beautiful animation bit here! Oh when this all comes together from the tease, to the post satisfaction and enjoyment of her in her belly vs D'va in hers even if their time together will be super short. Well done Jane.


You continue to deliver amazing content! Makes me want to be in the video so badly! Can’t wait to see how the whole thing coming together! 🤤


Hahahaha I'm sure who I'm more jealous of, thanks Sara I would love for you to be my Dva.


I understand what you're saying, you're going to love the following Pagés of cosplayer.


Your talent for these animations is unmatched


and we will soon see it all in beautiful animation. Can't wait, but I will as time is needed for you.


I hope you can figure out the problem with the videos. Just rejoined after some time out and there are a lot I cannot view. This one though is amazing.

Nelson B

The video played very well and was fantastic! The movements were so realistic as you could see Dva's legs and body slowly filling Bridget's belly, Dva sliding her arms in as the huge lips consume her shoulders, and she takes that last look at daylight as her head is pushed down that soft warm throat and esophagus! Can't wait to see Bridget's final gulp, sealing Dva inside her tummy, and her look of enjoyment feeling her moving about inside her! Would love to see a view of Dva from inside! I bet inside Bridget's stomach looks as great as her outside!


thanks DraconianTalon, I also hope to solve this soon I hate that these platforms fail.


haha it's probably as stunning a view from the outside as it is from the inside, I've taken note of this and am working on getting some internal shots that look as amazing as these. thank you very much for your words I love that you enjoy this as much as I do.


Just noticed the change from the comic version. Dva putting her arm in and Bridget pushing her head in. I think I like this version a bit better. I have always been a little more fond of head being last Possibly with face looking out.


Ooooooohhhh I understand, what a good eye, when I was animating I asked myself this question which version will look better and I think it's very beautiful to see her eyes for a last time.