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Someday that will be me, maybe not so giant.

Hi guys today I want to show you a little of what I've been working all week, I'm exhausted today I spent all day to finish this scene and I think it's ready, but I won't be sure until I see the renders, then I'll see if any error appears and I'll make the corrections, I'll put it to render immediately and it should be ready in 3 days I hope this is the preview of Tuesday and I haven't only prepared an angle for this scene.

Now yes, I will rest a little bit, my back hurts, my head hurts because of the amount of operations that this sequence had, tomorrow I will show you the sequence that comes before this one, because I think that every good moment must be built properly to make it more pleasant and on Saturday I will show you a new page of Passion Uncovered.




May you one day fulfill what you desire, and be filled. Take care of yourself as always too. Balance this and self care. Thank you always! Oh this looks so promising.


If someday you become like this then count me in to keep you company for an eventful and delicious time.