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"Sorry, it's hard to speak with your mouth full!"

I'm sorry I just thought... that

Hahahahahaha I think we all know what he thought and it may not be that far off.

Hi guys I want to tell you that these weeks I have been a little tense my mother and some members of my family have been a little ill health just wanted to share it with someone and as always thank you all because thanks to each of you I have been able to take care of them.

I hope you love this page and I'm already working on several more 😘😘❤️



Some Porg

Do you have plans to animate this after Passions Uncovered Part 1 is finished?

Rasiku Campbell

I'm sorry to hear that. I pray things get better for them. If you need time to be with your mom and Grandpa, don't worry about the Patreon, we can wait until things are in a good place for you to focus again. Awesome new page by the way too.


I do have plans to animate this story but I don't plan on it being the next one after Passions.


Thanks Rasiku, next week I will go to see them, I am working a lot these days to leave many things ready for those days when I won't be here.