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"Mmmm you don't taste anything bad"

How infinite is the capacity of this girl, I envy her so much, it's as if she had a black hole in her stomach and what happens now?...


P.S., how scary that Jill looks at you with those eyes... jeje





I haven't been able to access dropbox from my computer in like a year. Is there any other place I could view these?


Will we see her head going in or will the animation start past that point?


Sorry Truth118, but I had problems with Vimeo so I have uploaded all my animations to Dropbox, what problems have you had, you don't even need an account from the link you can view the animations.


Oh what awaits down inside I don't think her prey is truly ready for. A different perspective I see here.


Oh okay I understand. I'm getting some privacy error issue and just on my primary computer. I can get in just fine on my laptop/phone :)

Rasiku Campbell

The more you animate, the more envious I become. I can only dream of Pred looking at me that way. My deepest desires would come true.


I'm so glad that's the case, I'd hate if you couldn't see everything I've been creating 😋


Hahahahaha I would love to see people with those eyes of I'm going to devour you whole.