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     Here's another one that's been kicking around for awhile, but something always kept me from proceeding with it. I came across it this week and it hit me: I didn't like the original face. The reason I never realized that was the problem was that, paradoxically, I always liked the face. To explain... there were aspects of the face that I really liked, but there was something wrong with it. So I kept what worked, evened out some asymmetry and adjusted proportions, changed the expression on the mouth, and...viola! A piece I now like unreservedly.

     Apropos of nothing, I'm finally out from under--uh--Grayson Fogg's deadline. I'm resuming commissions, and I'm trying to take care of those who were in line already or were told that I'd get back to them when I resumed first. So if you fall into one of those groups and I haven't already contacted you, just message me and ask, "WTF, dude?" I'll be highly offended, but it'll get my attention.



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