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     Hi, all. The idea for this Beauties and Beasts piece came to me last week and it just sort of fell together. A couple of funny things about it, both related to faces. Unless I'm working with a specific model, I usually don't have a specific face in mind, just a "type", and sometimes not even that. I just play around with facial shapes and features, drawing and redrawing until I wind up with a face I like. This is the second time I've wound up with a face that felt familiar once I found myself looking at the final result, but I couldn't quite place it. So I stopped thinking about it, then it came to me: Carey Mulligan. I think I accidentally drew Carey Mulligan. Now, the question is, did I do it because she's an attractive woman and she just bubbled up out of my subconscious, or was it merely a coincidental arrangement of features? I'll pray on it and let you know.

     The second face in question, perhaps unsurprisingly, is the dog's. Originally he was going to be battle-scarred, missing fur in places, a metal plate patching a section of his skull, etc. But once I drew him, he was so adorable I couldn't do it to the big lug. He just looks like such a giant cuddle-bug. So maybe he's so intimidating that the woman's enemies just steer clear. I don't know. But how awesome would he be in real life, huh?



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