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     I've been meaning to explain this for quite awhile, and Ben Dunn's recent mention of me (in regards to Antarctic Press's past contributors) provides a good springboard. I intend to upload all Fire & Brimstone issues to Comicsfury.com, but haven't as yet because I have not been able to get color scans of all issues from Antarctic. I got some, but nothing from #3, and the scans I got for #2 appear as you see above. I tried contacting Antarctic multiple times over several months, but to no avail. All I can guess is that I'm not a priority for them, having not sent them any new material in a long time. Which is fair, I suppose. At some point  I'll probably break down and scan from the physical issues themselves, but it's a long, awkward process, and that's a lot of time spent not doing new material. So, y'know.



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