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     Here we a have a treat for the Deja Vu lovers out there. I don't know if this ever ran anywhere, but I don't think so. Maybe on Facebook or something, but it obviously was never painted and used as the cover it was designed to be. One thing I always liked about Deja is her incompetence, and I mean no insult by that. It's not her fault; she's trying to learn to wield tremendous power without even a manual, and her only instructor is a snarky little pain-in-the-ass familiar. It provides for a lot of storytelling possibilities, especially humorous ones, but it makes other, more typical comic book story resolutions problematic. After all, she can't very well magically zap or poof her way out of a tight spot if there's a chance it'll backfire like the above image.  Kind of like a superhero who can't trust their powers, so they have to try to think their way out of trouble.

     See ya next time!



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