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         Years ago, when I was a young(ish) pup and still attending ComiCon, a reader once asked me, “Robert, why are your adult stories so weird?” Needless to say, I took immediate umbrage, produced a gauntlet from my person, and with a sharp clout across the face challenged him to a duel. After he regained consciousness, and security released me, we mended our differences and sealed a bond with a brotherly embrace. I then shot him in the head with an antique pistol, whereupon his widow informed me that he had been referring to the genres under which my adult shorts so often fall. We shared a good laugh over the miscommunication, but it got me to thinking. Why do so many of my adult shorts take place in space or in fantasy environments, or involve monsters, aliens, or Hollywood legend John Agar? I think the answer is the same reason I write and draw in the first place: reality sucks. If I had to live in the world in which I actually physically exist, I'd go mental (well, you know, more so). So I engage in escapism, to put it simply. But within those genre concepts, I like the sex scenes to occur as organically as possible. That is to say, I try to create erotic situations that will resonate with readers more than simply genitals banging together. So, somewhat realistic stories within unrealistic frameworks, I suppose. As long as we get to those bangin' genitals sometime, am I right? Huh? Huh? Alien genitals, monster genitals, it's all good.  




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