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      How do you like your superhero stories? I tend to like them with a healthy dose of humor, just like my horror, sci fi, and just about everything else, I guess. Hence the tone of Superzeroes.  I just watched The Boys (which I highly recommend, especially if you have a dark sense of humor, and go all eye-rolly at too-good-to-be-true superheroes), and it does easily the best job I've seen of mixing humor with very serious (superhero-related) stories. Looking back, some of my favorite stories have been about the insanity of having these ridiculously powerful people running around unchecked. Look at the criminal, abusive behavior of so many in government, law enforcement and other positions of power. Why would people with super powers be any different? Batman was right, on a number of occasions: it would be necessary to have contingencies for stopping such individuals in worst case scenarios. I never thought of it before, but that theme is really at the core of Deja Vu's  character. She has access to a tremendous supernatural power, but she's aware of its corrupting influence, and never allows herself to use any more than the tiniest portion of it.  And then there's Abbey...but that's a story for another time. Enough pontificating (for now).

     Oh, and Storm's costume is modified (the cape removed) so we can see her ass. You're welcome.



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