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     As you may know, I asked for help coming up with scans from the original Fire & Brimstone short, and several of you came through. (A big thanks to everyone who helped with that, by the way!) I cleaned up the original pages, as well as the insert pages I was commissioned to do, and I'm going to start posting them here, starting with the short as it originally ran. Then, in separate posts, starting Thursday, I'll run the insert pages.

     In case you're curious, here's how the whole insert pages thing works: Somebody contacts me with an idea. They really liked some story I did, and would like to commission additional pages, to expand the story. Sometimes the original story is an adult one, sometimes not; but so far, all specially commissioned pages have been of an adult nature. Go figure. (I'm sure the commissions for lengthy, dry conversation scenes are coming.) I'm usually given a rough idea of what the customer would like to see--usually about 25 pages of content, which I then break down into a more affordable 3-5 pages or so, and turn into a workable script. The Fire & Brimstone pages were an interesting challenge, as I had significantly changed the characters' designs since that first short. I had to study the original pages, and try to duplicate the old designs (as sucky as they were) so the new pages would match. At least I didn't have to figure out how to have a normal scene suddenly turn into a full blown sex scene. That's where it gets tricky. 

     I could have sworn the original short appeared in A-Bomb--I know it was supposed to--but the only cover I have is from Milk!, from Radio Comix. Anyway, for those who missed it, here's the original short...



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