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Some demons possess a 'fetish' or constructed doll, usually sewn and made for the purpose of housing a spirit for the purpose of fun, debt repayment or realm-hopping.

Toki enjoys the plushy form. UvUb




Y E S this pushes so many buttons I didn’t even know I had- love the little button chastity getting sewn onto him too! Not like he could cum anyways without a proper dick though, but I’d still squeeze his cute little plushie sheath anyways :3


xD I love drawing stuff I never considered before. the idea for him came to me completely randomly a few nights ago. <3 glad u like!


Its such a dang good and unique idea that you almost never see often, and such fun concepts being thrown in all over, plus that color pallette is chef's kiss. Good job dude! - Thorp


this is so good!!


ill be honest, i've never seen it but I also never go looking xD ! ty man glad u like