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Hey all! 

In 2021 on August 13th I posted the first 3 pages of My Girlfriend Doesn't Moan. Now, 2,5 years (ish) later the last 2 pages of MGDM has been posted for the Early access peeps. The comic itself is officially wrapped up and done.   

However! (spoiler) I know some of you might have been expecting a final lewd scene and I'll do a poll to see how many would still like to see that. Under any circumstances I will make a little series of drawings as an epilog to tie up a few loose ends. I just need a break first.


Here's the plan for the future: 

1. I take a break. I'll put my Patreon on hold for at least 1 month. You won't be paying for anything while I'm on a break, just as usual!I need to rest my brain. The last time I had time off was back in August, and it would feel good to get back to square one, since I'm not returning back to continue MGDM. It feels very odd already.  

2. After a few weeks rest, I can plan out the epilog and prepare some small comic pitch ideas that the 5-10$ tier people can vote on! In other words: of course you get a saying in what new story we should start. 

3. I return to Patreon and we continue updates as usual: One page a week (Unless I decided not to make future comics full color, then it might be 2 pages) plus additional pinups. 

For people who are still waiting for the MGDM pages to come out for the public, the last pages will keep updating while I'm taking the break (I think). When I start a new comic, the Early access peeps will of course get 4 pages ahead again. 


A few questions I have encountered while nearing the end of this comic:

1. Will we ever see Phillip, Clover and the gang again??

-Absolutely! I won't be trashing these characters. It's been a joy to draw them and I already have new story ideas for some of them. But first I want to play around with shorter stories and a few new characters. 

2. Will you print the comic and sell or make it aviable for digital purchase?

-It would be wonderful to maybe find a place that would publish it! However since I live in Denmark I'm no sure if any of the publishing houses here would be up for grabbing a furry smut comic (even if it's wholesome), and even one that is on the internet in its full length along with the drawing style changing some throughout the story...  If any of you know any place that might consider it, let me know! 

If I don't find any I'll for sure print a small batch myself and sell those along with a digital file. The shipping fee is gonna be gnarly for everyone outside EU though... 


With that all done I just have a few last things to say...

Thank you SO SO MUCH for ALL your support while making MGDM! 

Thank you for reading it, sharing it, commenting, liking, giving economic support (big or small!) and so much more! 

The comic can be read fairly quick and I myself easily forget how long these things take to make when I binge read good stuff I find. I hope my story was good enough for some of you wanting to return for a reread. That would make me insanely happy.  

Lots of love to all of you! 

Have a wonderful day and I'll see you in a month+ for a small MGDM epilog and new (lewd) stories! 


(Patreon will be put on hold from 1/31-14)



Contact Kadath about his physical prints. He is US based but the company he uses may ship anywhere. He has a library of furry content published.

Sara Testarossa

Congratulations on finishing the main arc of the comic! I've been thoroughly enjoying it and look forward to reading the last bit when it's available for all tiers. Hope you have an excellent brain rest during your break and come back for whatever extra stuff people vote on all refreshed!