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Wait what, is that.... a tiny argument?? 




That jagged edge in the third/middle panel is so poignant!!

Will Feral

There should be an "e" at the end of private Here's hoping he finally listens to Blue

Sara Testarossa

The emotional beats via composition (jagged line and tree dividers) are so well done! Looking forward to them communicating more and better. Side note: I can't see p116-117? I see side comics and non comic pics but not those. (I know you cross post them, I'm just saying. I think i should have access at my tier just not early access? Pardon the babbling 😅

Danielle Corsetto

Ooh confrontation! The worst and the best. Did I miss pages 116 & 117 somehow? I only see 115 before this one and now I'm dying to know what happened between these pages!