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Having a German sweetheart comes in handy when you add German tourists to your comic. 

My mom´s first dog after she moved out was a long haired German Shepherd girl named Ronja (After Ronja the robber's daughter, Yes).  She passed away when I was very little but I remember asking my mom if we could cut off her ears and keep, because they were so soft and I was gonna miss that... :´D 

Luckily my mom said we couldn't do that. She would need them in heaven. 




I’m really looking forward to the story heavy phase of MGDM, because at this point Phillip has shown that he is putting his discomfort ( of simply asking her why she doesn’t moan) above both Clovers physical and psychological comfort. At this point even he just comes out and confesses why he was behind all this I’m not even sure if clover will be on board with him anymore, because although it does come from a good place, he demonstrated very selfish behaviour that consistently came at the risk of Clover, but kept repeating it anyway. The fact this boy claims he was too chicken to ask her a question but not chicken enough to have sex in PUBLIC is sending me. Regardless I am SUPER looking forward to how this turns out.