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If any of you have ever tried on a super cheap blindfold you know how gross it feels and how little it actually works. But the satin ones does look kinda fancy! 

Besides that, we are getting pretty close to 70 pages of this comic! That's pretty wild! 

I also noticed I had started giving Phillip a longer and longer beak so over the next few pages I have shortened it down a bit. 

  Next week I will start planning the thumbnails for the next chapter with Clover  and I'm looking forward to drawing less characters and backgrounds again.



Sara Testarossa

Poor Phillip XD I'm wondering if you're talking about the cheap masks by a certain one of the biggest sex toy companies, because in my experience, the worst offenders are by Pipedream! They are so shitty and the fact that they're included for free in most products in the "fetish fantasy" like is sad because they suck. My worst experience with one wasn't even kinky or sexual, I wore it to nap in the daytime because I didn't own any others. I woke up with sweaty, clammy eyelids, feeling awful. Ooos.


No brand in particular. Just the regular sleep/kink masks that feels like cheap plastic almost. :´D