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SO! Last weekend from Friday to Sunday I attended Art bubble 22 ( Denmark's coziest comic festival) in Århus with a couple of friends from the art school! 

Earlier this year we formed a group called Healthy Horror and we make zines with horror themed comics. So far we only have 1 zine, but we do plan on making more eventually.  

Here's some pictures from the event: 

(We just got everything set up after some confusion about the table layouts and were now awaiting for people to come over)

(Chilling, drawing and cutting out stickers. We were lucky to table in a room where an actual comic store had their table too. It for sure drew in more people.)

(The kids and their mom were looking through our horror zine and we did not really stop them) 

(The event holders (together with the local library) invited us and some other attendees to draw on these plates that were gonna be teh front side in a box, that was gonna be used for comics. So now our small rushed drawings can be found there (we only had 15 min to draw them)!) 

(Packing up at 16:00 Sunday after 2 whole good days of browsing other artists amazing stuff, looking at comics, talking to people and even selling a few things!) 

It was a very positive experience, tabling at Art Bubble! There was a steady stream of people, not too many, not too few and we just had a very cozy time. Despite not having to pay for our table space Art Bubble still provided us with bottled water, which I thought was very kind of them. The only negative thing is that neither I nor my friends are super outgoing so it does drain our energy talking to people for 6 hours x2. Luckily Crowcore's boyfriend was happy to help with that. Awesome. 

 We are for sure gonna do that again next year and by then I will try having some My Girlfriend Doesn't Moan related stuff with me!

...Talking about MGDM, look at this awesome fanart this cool dude made of Clover!: 



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