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Last week Saturday I held a small cozy reception to celebrate my first ever comic being published!

I had invited some family members and tried making an event on facebook, urging everyone who saw it to drop by for a peek. Snacks were bought, cozy music picked (A playlist with Heather Dale) and flowers found to decorate. I had also prepared a little exhibition, showing off some pages and progress stuff from when I made the comic back in late 2020:

(Original watercolor pages)

(original line art pages)

(of course I added some of my other work for people to look at/buy if they wanted)

(I even found tobacco I could add to the pouch! (an item that appears in the comic)

Leitura, the publisher came by and put out some books and thus everything was ready!


It was mostly family members who came by, but throughout the day some people from outside also came in for a lil' peep. All in all 17 comic books where sold and I think I signed every. one. of them. I got showered with plants and flowers for my balcony along with fancy sweets I don't get often and people were just so kind and supportive. It was a very special and good day. I feel very grateful.

Some days before this happened the gallery (where I had rented the rooms for the reception) had contacted the local newspaper, asking if they wanted to cover my comic debut. A photographer came by my home along with the interviewer. It was super nerve wrecking for me... To say it mildly. I'm not used to that kind of attention.

 When the article finally came out it was bittersweet. The interviewer hadn't asked what the name of the comic was nor who the publisher were (something I should have told her, but I was so nervous I didn't think about it). She apparently had googled me a bit so now the english name of the comic appeared in the article along with my name which was spelled wrong. -_- I also didn't have the comic book to pose with, as I only got it the day after so unless people make a great effort to find me online, they have no idea what my comic is called in Danish. 

The pictures going with the article also looked... Erm. Well, I was highly uncomfortable being photographed, and it SHOWS. Let's keep it at that. XD

I'm sure this will be fun in a couple of months. Right now it's just a bit... Meh.

DESPITE that! It was an awesome day.

These days book reviewers are getting my comic to, well, review! First one has said a few words already and gave it 4/5 stars. Pretty neat! I do hope to hear if any kids will like it though. I made the comic for that age group after all.

That's it really. The comic is finally out, I'm exhausted (and had 3x naps for 3 days after the reception) and now I just hope the danish people will like my little creation. I'm crossing my fingers for that.

See you next week!



Danielle Corsetto

Aahhh thank you for sharing photos for those of us who are so far away!! It looks so very sweet, congratulations! Also, it's not on you at all to have told the journalist your comic's name/publisher, or have your name spelled correctly! That's their job! If journalism jobs are anything out there like they are out here, though, they're woefully underpaid, so this is common. There's one journalist who works with our local paper, who comes to every studio tour event that my studio tour group does, and I was surprised to find out that all my fellow artists stay away from her and don't give her any information. Apparently it's because she's SO bad at her job she botches everything, so nobody wants her to misquote them!


No way. :O I guess I just had the impression that if you where a journalist you were... good at your job? I'm phrasing it wrong but wow. I think mine must have been in a hurry then. :/ That's too bad.