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Super fun commission for Libraveggie!


Olive sighed as she stepped back out of the cafe with her freshly baked doughnut and not-as-freshly brewed tea. It had been a long day at work and she had decided to treat herself to some decadently sugary sweets. She was about halfway through her decadent snack when she made the mistake of catching her reflection in a shop window and realized how ridiculous she looked just as she chomped into her turnover.

She rolled her blue eyes and dusted the flakes and crumbs from her purple dress and tossed a few out of her cleavage. She adjusted her glasses with the tip of her pinky, the motion letting a few black hairs fall into her vision. She let out a frustrated huff before she blew her hair back out of her eyes and sighed again with minor irritation. She hadn’t realized just how loose her ponytail had gotten either and made a mental note to fix that once she’d finished her crumbly snack.

Olive was about halfway home, with a finished pastry and about three quarters of her tea remaining, when her entire world derailed in a single second. She turned the corner and froze in place as she saw an awe inspiring sight. Flying high in the air between the myriads of buildings was a strange cylindrical object. It was a rotating chrome thing that reflected everything around it. It seemed to send out a deep, bassy,  and loud humming sound that reverberated within Olive's chest and skull.

There were crowds of people staring up at the mysterious hovering thing. Olive joined in and stood behind the crowd as several more filed in behind her, her tea completely forgotten as she watched the chrome thing lower itself towards the ground. When the metallic thing touched down against the pavement its rotation ceased and the odd humming sound stopped. The only sound was the murmuring of the crowd and a few distant cars.

The crowd went dead silent as the thing let out an ear shattering hiss like a pneumatic valve. It caught everybody’s attention as several dozen small slots opened around the entirety of the machine. The inside of the machine was pitch black compared to the shining shell and only added to the thing’s mysteriousness. Olive was both very confused and very worried. This sort of thing never ended well for… well, anybody in every single movie ever made.

Her suspicions were quickly confirmed as the chrome thing let out another mind shattering hiss. As soon as everybody’s ears stopped ringing several brightly colored bolts of light suddenly shot out from the holes and straight into the amassed crowd! Somebody screamed immediately and the entire crowd fell into a chaotic panic! Olive barely caught a glimpse of one impacting against a man at the forefront of the crowd before she was pushed backwards as the horde of humans set into a panicked stampede. Olive was jostled about by the fearful crowd. "H-hey!" She tried her best to find any real footing but she was shoved to the ground by an uncaring and terrified crowd. Olive clutched in on herself as several hundred stomping feet flew past her, some catching her legs and arm but thankfully her head was left unscathed.

Olive winced as the last running human passed her by. She only untensed her body as she heard the last few steps echoing down the street. The battered and bruised girl slowly uncovered her head and looked around to see the results of the chaos. She watched the rest of the crowd marching down the streets. She panted and stood up before a sudden strange noise alerted her again. Her attention was pulled back towards the strange object as she heard another loud groan of what she assumed was anguish.

She gasped and immediately began running towards the metallic thing when she saw a woman writhing on the ground. The holes that had opened on the cylinder were now closed. She carefully approached the apparently pained woman. A thick cable of some kind was wound tightly around the woman's arms and chest, entangling them in an inelegant knot. The closer Olive got the more she realized the cable itself wasn't anything solid. The strange rope of light sparked with energy and crackled against the air and the woman's skin. Then Olive realized something. The woman was completely naked. Or almost naked. Olive approached in time to see the final vestiges of the woman's pants and shoes vaporize into thin air, the only remaining sign they had existed was the faint blue light emanating from the crackling energy as the rope vaporized them.

Olive stood over the woman as she continued to writhe on the ground. The blue glowing cable continued to spark with unnatural life. The poor girl had no idea how she could help the poor groaning woman as she watched more sparks of blue lightning travel across her flesh like a neon spider’s web. "A-are you okay?" Olive asked carefully but the only response she received was another muffled groan as the woman shook her head. Olive gulped as she reached towards the blue wire thinking that if she removed it she’d be okay. Every hair on her body stood on the edge just before she touched the strange material. She quickly regretted it as she felt a massive surge fly through her entire body. But instead of the pain she had half-expected, her whole frame tingled with a pleasant thrill like she had just finished a lovely massage… It all ended as she managed to withdraw her hand. The only reply she received was a low moan as the woman was forced to grit her teeth as another surge flowed through her body and pleased her to the core. Olive watched in shock and realized that there was nothing she could do.

Olive nearly jumped out of her skin as the strange cylinder let out another sharp hiss. She leapt back up to her feet in response and prepared for the thing to send another wave of cables out! Instead however four large doors opened at the base. Olive's heart raced as she watched a strange metallic ooze flow out from the bottom like flowing mercury.

She hopped away with a yelp as the liquid metal suddenly lurched toward her and the woman with sudden liveliness. Olive continued to take several slow steps away when she bumped into somebody behind her. In her heightened paranoia she screamed and jumped back towards the mercurial ooze. She quickly realized her mistake and was about to move again when she realized the man she had bumped into was currently pointing a very large, and very loaded gun at her.

The blonde policeman glared daggers behind her. "Ma'am. Step. Away." He stated as he motioned his gun towards one of the stores. Olive's hands snapped to the side of her head and she nodded in compliance. “Y-yes sir.” She only managed to take a few steps away when another noise alerted both her and the officer.

Both of their heads snapped back towards the nude woman. Olive's eyes widened as she saw several large chunks of previously unseen material now floating in the still shifting liquid. The mobile puddle was almost upon the moaning girl and as it neared her large sheets of solid metal seemed to flow towards her. A tidal wave of misshapen metal suddenly ripped from the mercurial mass and flew onto her body as if she was a living magnet!

The metal plates attached directly to the woman's body, each and every one eliciting a single scream of pleasure. The somewhat mismatched metal began to shift around on her skin, each shining piece hunting for its designated home. Some squeezed in over her thighs, others slid over her arms and formed a strange outline that left her hands and forearms bare. A single piece of metal slid between her breasts and nestled into place before more maneuvered past and linked with the new armor outlining her shoulders.

Two newly formed pieces stuck out from the rest of the scrap. A large rod of metal attached to two thin strands of dark wire slid towards the woman's mouth just as another thin piece slipped up her back and to the top of her head. The second piece reminded Olive of a headset with two strange pointed ears and square earpieces. The headset-like part settled into place atop the woman's scalp just as the rod shoved itself between her lips and ground against her teeth. The woman groaned against the new bit in her mouth. The woman’s muffled defiance turned to another scream of pleasure as the ears above her head sparked with electricity much like the glowing wire still wrapped around her bare chest. Her eyes widened and dilated as the energy coursed through her mind. Olive and the officer watched on in horror as the headset seemed to speed up the shifting metal across her frame.

Olive gasped as she saw several of the metal chunks dig straight into her body, each piece displacing her very skin once they found their desired location. Yet with each steaming hiss of energy and each clank of steel on steel, the woman's movements seemed to become more… thrilled. Her hands clutched against her palms and her thighs squeezed together as every cell in her body was sparked with a steadily building euphoria that showed on her face.

The awe stricken pair continued to watch as the metal focused in on the moaning girl's legs. Several more plates attached to the two main blue tinted sheets covering her thighs. More silver and blue masses embedded into her legs, each one hissing with audible steam as they attached to her. Soon both of her legs were completely covered by interchanging metals, with the exception of her feet. As if the invasive materials realized this, the woman's legs arched into the air as the metal around her ankles forced them down as far as her muscles would physically allow. Two more sheets slipped along her metal covered legs, hardening into two solid cones that bent inwards. The two masses slipped over her feet. Olive watched as her flesh was forced to bend in a completely unnatural fashion as the two heavy hooves forced themselves onto her like a pair of misshapen shoes. But despite the uncomfortable position the woman seemed overjoyed as they slid onto her. Her back arched and she raised herself from the ground and she bit down against the metal between her lips as she screamed with another bout of pleasure.

Olive was left confused as the woman’s new metal hooves settled into place. Why the hell would… Whatever this thing was, give her hooves? Her question was almost answered as several more larger chunks of metal formed behind her still bare ass. Olive spotted several wires sliding in between her rear before they were concealed by a large metallic blue plate that curved into a barrel shaped component. Olive suddenly realized what the woman was quickly becoming. A centaur! Her theory quickly confirmed itself as a second set of heavy legs manifested from the silver slime, the insides lined with rows upon rows of wires before they were covered by several more plates.

After only a few minutes, the prone woman was now standing at attention on her new set of powerful mechanical hooves. Her face was still bathed in pure ecstasy as occasional sparks flew across her altered frame body. Olive stared at her as her body shuddered and twitched in myriads of ways before every inch of her frame froze. The woman’s neck arched back as she felt the best thing she had ever felt in her entirety of her existence. Olive thought for sure something else was going to happen to her remaining torso, but what caught her eyes was the sudden motion from between the new robotic centaurs lower groin. A new non metallic mass pressed up and out like a slowly inflating balloon. Olive felt her face redden as she realized what the thing was mimicking.

The plastic mass resembled a large equine phallus, and that fact was only highlighted by a singular metallic ring that squeezed around the tinted rubber with soft rhythmic pumps. Olive managed to peel her eyes off the robotic cock long enough to look back to the woman’s eyes. They were crossed in a look of pure lust, and where they had been a hard dark brown they were now shining an unnatural electric blue. Then Olive noticed her hair. She hadn’t taken note of it at first, but the woman‘s hair was originally short, black, and cut in a trim bob cut, but now it was shoulder length and tinted by the same unnatural blue hue as the majority of her new equine frame. She watched as her newly lengthened strands weaved themselves into an extensive braided ponytail that drew more attention to the pair of prominent metal ears standing on her scalp.

The woman’s entire body, metal and flesh, shuddered once again as her cock throbbed beneath. Olive watched as a familiar silver tinted liquid began to flow from the back of the transparent member. Slowly but surely the entire mass filled with the silver concoction as the woman’s gagged moans grew louder and louder. Olive and the police officer took a step back as the woman screeched against her bit and her cannon of a cock exploded with a torrential wave of mercurial cum! The material splashed to the ground just as the blue laser wire unraveled from the woman’s torso and freed her arms. She remained motionless as the new steaming puddle of chrome cum began to toil and reshape into several more familiar components.

Her audience watched on in rapt horror as the laser wire slipped into several triangular pieces that ended at each of her lower shoulder points. The officer cleared his throat as he regained his mental faculties and stepped towards the half robotic woman. “Ma’am…?” He kept his gun aimed down but kept it prepared for the worst. She didn’t answer. Olive felt an overwhelming sense of worry. “Sir… I wouldn-'' She didn’t have a chance to finish as the new centaur’s head snapped towards the officer. Her blue eyes focused on him like a predator spotting its prey. Her arms snapped to her side. In an impossibly fast movement she pulled out a lash of green tinted laser wire, like the one that had originally captured her, out from its hidden compartment and drew it into the air. The officer raised his firearm and shot several times. The bullets soared through the air, but the only sign that they had failed were several sparks in the middle of the open air as they vanished from reality. The man stared in complete shock just before the centauress made her own move.

The newly crafted centauress raised her wire into the air and spun it. The separate ends formed into a circular lasso before she hurled it up and over the officer with expert precision! The man shouted for her to stop only for the final words to catch in his throat as the lasso tightened around his torso and pulled his arms over his chest in a tangle of arcing electrical energy that coursed through his body! His gun fell to the ground in a bright ball of green energy before it vanished much like the ammunition. Olive yelped and snapped her hands over her mouth as she watched the man crumple to his knees. Her terror was only heightened as she saw several other centaurs of all varieties rising from their own downed positions. She watched several dart away and into the city, each pulling out new colored lassos for their own victims. But the strangest part to Olive was that every single centaur seemed to be female, given the huge knockers on every one of them as they galloped away. Her attention returned to the officer who was now entirely naked, the last few wisps of his uniform vaporizing in a cloud of electric green sparks.

The blue tinted centauress slowly advanced towards the downed man as he writhed against the energized ropes, her metal hoof steps echoing through the now empty street, save for Olive who was still watching with a mixture of terror and enraptured interest. Olive noted the familiar emotions that traveled through the man's body. His motions didn’t convey pain or suffering, but pleasure and resistance to said pleasure. The most notable evidence however was the man’s erect cock between his thighs. Olive felt like a perverse voyeur but she couldn’t help but watch as the centaur stood above him. Her synthetic member throbbed like it had moments ago as more silver liquid rose within its shell.

Olive’s attention was drawn to the other side of the struggling officer as another figure approached. Or at least half of a figure. The recent puddle that the centauress had created had disappeared, and in its place was a half formed… well there was no better term for it besides a horse’s ass. Rather than the elegant and refined mechanical creation the woman had become, this one was a shambling mess of mismatched parts that had somehow managed to walk. It walked on two legs with the forefront leaning towards the ground. The green tinted equine frame wobbled to and fro as it positioned itself behind the man. His eyes followed the metal monstrosity and he managed to stave off the stupefying pleasure enough to continue struggling against the damnable wire wrapped around his arms. This earned him a quick kick from the centauress’ hard fore hoof. He glared up at her as she seemed to smirk behind the bit in her mouth.

The centauress kept her eyes on him as the equine rear end slid forward. As the armored point of the frame neared the man several thousand wires shot out from within and snapped around his ass before a final larger cable shot up his clenched asshole. He screamed out as the cables continued to work within him. The mismatched pieces along the equine flank all sparked to life and zipped towards the man, eager to find their place along his body. He was hoisted into the air as the pair of legs hoisted him up. In a flutter of green and silver metal she could see a thick strand of pre leaking from his human cock.

The blue centauress finally moved and produced a previously unseen headset much like her own. She raised it over the officer’s head and placed it around him with careful slowness. The bits clamped together and the bit forced its way into his maw, his final sounds a scream of absolute pleasure as the headset fried his senses! The centauress then stepped away… and her gaze snapped towards Olive.

Olive’s heart stopped as she realized what this meant, the time for watching the train wreck was over, now it was the time to run! Her starting pistol was the sight of a bright purple wire rising from the socket she had withdrawn the green lasso from! Olive whipped around and bolted down the same street the crowd from earlier had taken as their escape route.

The centauress suddenly sprinted towards Olive, the sound of heavy metal hooves galloping behind her only forcing her to move faster! She yelped as the purple lasso flew up and over her head. The lavender lasso suddenly stopped in the middle of the air and sailed down towards her ready to entangle her just like the other two had been. “No!” She shouted. She whipped back around and sprinted towards the centauress just as the energized rope descended and sparked as it met the ground. She ran past the menace and gained a look of pure ire and satisfaction. She heard her grind to a complete halt before she reared up and slammed into the ground. Olive sprinted towards the changing officer and felt another sense of horror as she saw how much he had changed.

More green metal had almost completely covered his body, the only that was missing the covering now was his cock. But the most drastic change was the complete change of apparent gender. In place of the man’s previously chiseled chest was a set of two ponderous breasts far larger than either Olive’s or the original centauress’ own. His buzz cut hair was now a wave of curly shoulder length hair that was tinted green to match his own armor’s pigment. She watched as the man before her screamed and sprayed cum from both of his erect cocks! His orgasm continued as a single sheet clasped over his manhood and sealed it away permanently, the only evidence of its previous existence now just a speckle of white jizz sliding down the green metal. As if announcing his full conversion, a luscious and thick tail burst out over his new equine rear end. The final pieces of metal clinked into place along the entirety of his body before he finally landed on his hooves with two heavy thuds and a pleased knicker.

The bizarre sight threw Olive off so much that she couldn’t almost forgot the centauress just behind her. She was quickly reminded as the amethyst beam flew down past her eyes and around her chest. “No!” She screamed in panic before the wire cinched and closed around her. She felt her arms snap to her sides before the most intense sensation she’d ever felt took over her frame.

Her teeth clenched together as every single neuron in her mind was assaulted by pure pleasure. Her muscles tensed and her ideas collapsed in on themselves as the purple energy lit up every inch of her body! She could feel the cold night air against her previously covered skin, like every part of her being was over stimulated, as the same energy pleasuring her vaporized her clothing in a bright flare of purple light. She collapsed to her knees just like the policeman had and screamed with pleasure as the victorious centauress clopped up behind her with a smirk hidden behind her bit.

Olive’s noises were silenced as a thick blue wire carried a familiar headset towards her head. Olive managed to shake her head but it was futile as the blue cables slipped it over her scalp and settled the bit over her lip. She felt her hair stand on end as the electrified gizmo settled onto her scalp. Her ears tingled as energy coursed into her mind and enhanced everything she could possibly feel. Her eyes lit up with the same purple just as the last traces of her clothing faded from existence. Her vision was blinded by a flash of purple before she saw several words and symbols moving through her eyesight like a computer screen. Her eyes spun around and focused on something new every second. She couldn’t seem to focus on any of the strange marks but she understood them. A few key ones popped out to her multiple times. “Herd. Mare.  Embrace. Integrate.”

The blue tinged centauress moved to Olive’s side and looked down at her recent capture. Both victim and attacker’s eyes looked back towards the now fully converted green centauress as she began to walk towards Olive. Her purple tinted vision faded with a final word: “Convert,” Before it allowed Olive to see the new centaur’s face. She was beautiful. Every shred of human masculinity was gone now. The gruff edges of his cheeks were refined down into feminine elegance and his perfect breasts heaved as she panted. The two metal centaurs exchanged a glance before they each stepped to the side of Olive.

Olive looked between them both with confusion as they stood by her side. Confusion became worry as she heard two faint hisses and saw more silvery liquid building within their plastic cocks. The two centaurs pressed in and over Olive, their hulking metal frames cascading over her as they pressed their fleshy torsos together the two cyborgs wrapped their arms around one another and pressed their breasts against each other. The two remained motionless as their cocks filled up with more mercurial cum before they pressed their heads in toward one another. The bits in their mouths remained as they kissed. The only evidence something was happening for Olive was the occasional metallic clink above and the errant twitch of their silver filled cocks.

The centaurs’ hands glided across each other's bodies, caressing their breasts, running against their waists and brushing over their metal bodies. Their lovemaking was slow, mechanical and precise, and their simultaneous orgasms were sudden. The only sign that they had even finished was a single sound from both of the mechanical creatures. Both centaurs hissed against their bits as their synthetic cocks exploded and showered Olive in a wave of silvery chrome that soaked every inch of her body. All that was visible of Olive beneath the centaurs was a silvery lump of cum that shuddered and twitched. The two centauress’ backed away and remained motionless as they watched.

Within the silver puddle Olive’s world was one of pure blissful delight. The chrome essence against her skin both warmed and froze her to the core. She could feel it intermingling with her skin and bones, replacing her legs with shining metal armor that exuded equine power. She could feel several thousand wires flowing through the liquid metal, each one weaving into her fading flesh as anything beneath her armor was replaced with pure and strong metal. The feelings were only heightened as a single large and powerful cable rammed up her asshole with sudden speed. The feeling shocked her as it connected to her spine just as another wire slipped up her cunny. She was forced to cry out in pleasure and allowed some of the mercurial material to slide into her gullet where it coated her organs with shining silver.

She felt errant sparks travel along her forming metal body as two new limbs sprouted, each kicking in random intervals as electricity sparked through them and brought them new life. She could feel every inch of the metal torso like it was her own flesh, because in all capacities, it was. There was no difference between metal and flesh now, there was only the centauress she was becoming. Olive screamed out as another wave of pleasure burned through her body as her plastic cock swelled out from between her new thighs.

Olive’s entire mind was bathed in warm electricity as it overrode any and all worries she had ever had.  Olive could only think two singular thoughts. One was the quietest she had ever had "This was all so wrong…" and the second was the loudest thought she'd ever conceived "This feels so fucking amazing!!!" As she embraced the pleasurable changes, the purple vision returned and spelled out her new identity for her. “Mare #340000. Designation: Foal. Conversion: 80%.” Olive couldn’t see through the amethyst screen as her eyes were finally unveiled, her entire body now free of the liquid chrome as the final bits inside completed her conversion.

90%. She felt a wave of burning chrome build within her cock, her very identity rendered down to a speck of code buried within her mind. 95%. Her body stood straight as her hooves clamped down onto the pavement beneath her. She could feel the presence of the other two centauresses' watching her with rapt interest, their own cocks filled once more with perfect chrome essence. 100% Her body exploded with violent sparks of electricity across every mote of her being as her plastic cock erupted in a shower of shining chrome! She was one with the Herd, she was a Mare! She whinnied against the bit between her teeth just as her two sister mares did, their essence only adding to the pool beneath the newly formed trio!

The three newly minted mares remained motionless, each panting in rhythm as their bodies recharged from the sheer pleasure. After a steady recharge, each of the three centaurs turned toward the street the mob had fled down. They each took a synchronous step before beginning their slow march through the city, each wanting to feel the pure blissful pleasure of converting another human and welcoming them into the Herd of Metal…





Awesome to see my story here to~ Was very fun working with you on it~!