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I have always preferred to make sketches on paper, more or less for the same reasons why I still work the lineart with pencils, ink, and paper before scanning it. I simply love the physical materials, the touch and smell o them make me inspired and motivated! Also, I feel more comfortable with them, after all these years of working digitally I still feel that I control the lines a lot better when I work with traditional pencils and markers.

For these reasons, I've never really drawn on my phone even though I was gifted a Galaxy Note for my birthday last year. Loved the phone, loved writing notes instead of typing and some other functions but never actually doodled with it. That was until I was stuck inside a train that was stopped forever and I got bored of everything else, then I discovered that it is very fun being able to sketch wherever you want! Sometimes I bring a notebook with me, I'm aware it would be the same thing, but I prefer to not carry too much stuff, and a small and thin notebook usually isn't as comfortable to draw on.

At first, I was a bit shy because drawing in public tends to attract too much attention for an introvert like me (everyone wants to see what you're drawing, and in my case, that's a bit awkward sometimes hehe) but nobody really pays attention to someone looking at their phone. I felt more and more comfortable trying different brushes and drawing simpler shapes. That's when I started making random sketches and decided to work on the composition for the idea that I had in my head about certain former husbands and their visit to the beach wearing their vintage swimwear!

Ant this is the story of how Floaties was born during a train trip to Valencia :D

PS. Greetings to the guy that was sitting by my side and saw everything, I just want to say that these sketches could have been WAY worse :P




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