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Normally I don't use Patreon like an Instagram account, and much less to post pictures of myself, but since I didn't have time to make the Star Wars fanart I wanted for today I thought this slightly blurry pic of myself becoming a Wookiee sandwich (something close to that actually happened two seconds after that pic when they decided to hug me and trap me inside a fur burrito, sadly the camera guy wasn't fast enough to capture the moment) could be a substitute.

I know this page has been a bit neglected aside from the regular comic pages, but I have a ton of ideas that I'll start incorporating here as soon as I have a spare moment between commissions! As always I'll take the opportunity to thank everyone that is supporting my work at the moment, even the basic tier here on Patreon helps a lot to keep the engine running! Don't forget that if you guys have any ideas for content or themes that you'd like to see, your opinions are always welcomed, I really love hearing your feedback ^^

May the force be with you!

