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Good Monday, everyone! How was your weekend? We've had a wonderfully sunny and hot few days in the middle of this cold Winter (today we're back to the cold, send help, I can't feel my toes!) so I had to make the best out of them going out with friends and doing some shopping in the city. 

This week we'll be having two more pages of the Borg series as usual, but these are two interesting pages! Suada is giving Harris a better insight on what her "gift" is and where it comes from, and it has been a bit tricky to draw since it had so many information going on... Anyway, I really hope you enjoy them!

Later this week, I will share some sketches and wip pictures! I won't be able to share a finished illustration this time because I'm working on something special for Valentines Day! (as well as a few thousand sketches for the next pages of Borg, Glitch and the upcoming comics coming our way, this is going to be an exciting year!).



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