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“That’s lovely to hear,”  Alice says, stepping into place as Raven steps away to give her room.

She studies you, looking for any signs of defiance as she asks the pertinent question on her mind, “And now what do you think about telling on me for having my fun?”

“I was an idiot,”  You admit, eyes dropping to the floor at how unworthy you are to even be acknowledged by the Goddess in front of you, “I should have known better than to threaten you, Mistress.  Please forgive me?”

You feel so small. So vulnerable, awaiting her response as she lets the tension build.  Will she forgive you?  Will she find you worthy of her time and attention?

“It’s fine, my doll,”  Alice replies,  “You didn’t know any better.   How could you with that pesky free-will getting in the way of things.”

Gasping, you feel the reward pulse burst inside your head, whiting everything out for a fleeting moment, and leaving you trembling as Alice looks on with an amused smile on her lips.

“Well, we have a ride waiting for us to High-spire,”  She explains, turning around and clicking her fingers for the two of you to follow, “And if you’re a really, really good doll, I might even think about booking you in for all those wonderful appointments you’ll need.”

Your heart swells as you and Raven follow, as you approach the skimmer and towards your new existence as Raven’s twin…


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Last page of D Story! I hope you guys have enjoyed this story written by Tc (if you want to read more of his content you can check his Deviantart or Tumblr profiles, they're worth it!). Let me know if you have liked this kind of format just for patrons and I will make something like this soon!




I'd forgotten the height difference! Was Raven literally lifting her off her feet?


Raven was raising her from the waist and pressing her against her chest (lucky girl). Also, there's a height difference but consider that Raven is wearing killer heels with platforms while D is wearing flat boots, and soon they will be a lot closer in height ;P