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Scanning your environment, you notice something you’d missed as you waited for them to arrive, earlier:  Three of the four sides are the high-rise hab blocks and low-end commercial units that make up the vast majority of the Sumps infrastructure.  Worse still, you realise this sector is so far off the beaten track that security would never arrive in time, even if it was possible to get a signal for your coms unit, here.

Shit, the bitch had planned this from the start.

“I see from the look on your face, that you’ve come to the startling conclusion that you were never, ever going to walk away with your friend,”  Alice calls out, amusement colouring her tone as her pet advances towards you

“Fuck you!”  You respond, darting around Raven’s flailing attempt to catch you.   Pumping hard, you return the favour and close the distance, fist balling up to be launched at Alice’s smug face.   You may never be able to get your friend back, but you can at least leave her with a split lip and the medical bill from getting it repaired.

“I don’t think so,”  Alice says in a bored tone as you make a swing for it.


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Is that an implant at the top of the back of her neck?