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Happy Monday, all!

Whelp, it’s been a busy week for the two of us in the real world, but it hasn’t stopped us beavering away with Calibration Comics.  Hopefully you wonderful people have spotted our recent announcement for a new Patreon goal.  We’re intending this as a small gesture of thanks towards all of you who have chosen to support us.

Our sequel to the Salon should be appearing in the next couple of days, where you’ll get to find out the eventual fate of our poor (or lucky depending on your view) husband, last seen undergoing his Stepfordization.  Will he come up smelling of sugar and spice, and all things nice, or will his puppy dog tail nature win out?

Juicy July was our winner for the Patreon poll as to our July magazine poll, winning out over Justice by a single vote.   Thanks to everyone who participated, we appreciate the input and shall be jumping onto producing our magazine page post-haste.  Oh, and there’s a new Glitch comic in the works for all you fans of the cybernetically kinky.  We’re currently at the scripting stage, which will need a revision or two, but it’s nice to return to the comic that kick started Calibration Comics as a thing.

Lots of love,

Daphne & Tc.

Thought for the week: "...."    - Tc


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