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Hello, one and all!

Back to the grind, huh?   Need cheering up?   You want to know what’s coming down the pipeline?!  Well, if you insist.  Grab a seat, sit your butt down, and break out a hot drink as you peruse our Monday update. ^^

First things, first.  Hello to all the new Patreons!  Our Patreon family is growing steadily, which is a lovely thing to see from our end.  Finding people who dig the erotic art we produce is always a pleasent surprise, especially with some of the more risque pieces.

The roll out of Book of Lust chapter 2 is going swimmingly well across social media, in large part to Daphne’s organisational skills (I have some organisational skills, honest… - Tc), and plans for Chapter 3 are in the works with the script having been written and the sketching starting to take place.  Due to the roll out gap between Patreon and the likes of DA & Tumblr, we’ve even got time for an editorial to focus on part of the creativity that goes into producing the Book of Lust.

Oh, and if that’s not enough there’s a poll going up for you guys to help us decide on July’s theme if you’re willing to help.  Apparently thumb wars aren't a valid tactic to make decisions with...  (Tc has an advantage in thumb wars with his oversized digits, damn it! - Daphne)

There is another announcement coming on later in the week, but we’re keeping the nature of it a little hush-hush for now.  Yes, that’s right, we’re being total teases and we’re not apologising for it!   But trust us, you’ll like it. ;)

Yours with love,

Daphne & Tc.


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