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Hi everyone, it's about time I come to light and let everyone know what's been going on.

Put very shortly, I've had a period of demotivation. Simply was not feeling like posting stuff, although I have been still creating content. I'm aware my Patreon has pretty much been a ghost town and I'm due an explanation, but I want to keep it to the point on here; I'll go into more detail to Patrons as to why in my Discord server. Link your Discord account to your Patreon so your roles will be given to you automatically. I'll also be posting a collage there of all the stuff I've made that I've yet to post.

I understand that some of you may not want to use your main account for NSFW and it may be a bit inconvenient to use alts, I apologise for that; however Discord recently made it easier to switch accounts on Discord (Account Manager) so it should not be as much of an issue.

I find Discord way easier to use and manage, and since I have not interacted with Patreon much (it has also got its updates over the months), I am still not fully familiar with it.

Well, more in the server. See you soon.



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