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Is the Middle East about to sprout mushroom clouds? Is there any other way out for the IDF and the US Military? And how much of our foreign policy is being dictated by our "allies"? 

Help me start the countdown to midnight....

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis




Amy L Jones

Welp, the US did it. They bombed military installations in Syria and Iran. The nest has been poked! There's your October surprise. Meanwhile, the US has it's own dumpster fire to contend with: military-trained madman amuck in Maine. Cue Prince's Let's Go Crazy...

Jason Matthews

If pressed, I'd wager that the Hamas attack was timed to coincide with a major Israeli incursion into Syria. There was a strikingly underreported airstrike against Iranian installations in Damascus this February, and a flurry of assassinations thereafter. There's no way these events aren't connected.