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The world is getting weirder.

Since 2000, the reality we all know and love has gone the way of the Dodo bird. And what has emerged in its place is more Philip K. Dick and Harlequinade by the day. Various theories have been put forward to explain this state of affairs --Simulation, the Mandela effect, even suggestions the world really did end in 2000, or 2012, or 2020...

Monotheistic religions proclaim the end of the world, as is their wont. New Age gurus speak of a new consciousness. Atheists claim it's all meaningless. All have an echo of truth, but none satisfy.

S. William Snider (alias "Recluse"), host of The Farm podcast and author of A Special Relationship: Trump, Epstein and the Secret History of the Anglo-American Establishment, unknowingly embarked upon a three-year-plus odyssey to understand the times we're confronted with. What began as an investigation into the QAnon operation gradually morphed into a centuries-spanning exploration of "The Art" --the practice of shaping reality.

Since the onset of the Westaphalian era, groups as diverse as the Rosicrucians, Surrealists, Forteans, Discordians, and various occultists have developed the Art into a science. But as the modern era set in, a new player took notice: the national security state.

Throughout the twentieth century, the soldiers, spies and operators of the Soviet Union and the United States embarked upon a competition to weaponize culture and spirituality, the likes of which humanity had not witnessed since Antiquity. Only this time with the aid and support of modern science. In the US alone, a host of bizarre and brutal projects such as ARTICHOKE, MK-ULTRA, Pandora, Camelot and Cambridge were launched with a purpose of predicting and controlling human behavior unimaginable in prior eras. This laid the foundation for a globe-spanning counterinsurgency operation envisioned by one of the most colorful and occulted operators these United State have ever witnessed. Book I is his story and the blood-stained legacy he has bestowed upon humanity.



Chris Jerome

Really looking forward to this one….Your work has enlightened me to many things over the past few years Steven….way beyond what I could have discovered on my own. Thanks for doing it brother!


I got it! But now I want it signed. haha