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Henry Kissinger risked death in traveling to China this month. Was he just making a house call on the PRC's leadership, or was something more serious on the table? Like Polish forces massing at the border of Ukraine, Niger's recent coup, or just the general activities of Wagner? It seems like there a no shortage of topics to discuss... 

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis




Amy L Jones

Fascinating history lesson in Putin's speech, there. I suppose he has teams of speech writers like we have here. Still, can't imagine Trump, or even Biden giving a speech like that. These days US presidential speeches seem to talk way down to the masses. Give them pop culture references and name-drop memes. Don't bother talking WWI or II history, they won't remember it anyway and they clearly aren't interested. Not that I agree with what Putin said, but it's a vastly different cultural mindset with which Putin's communicating. Anyhoo lots of planetary retrogrades happening in August so we're in for a wild ride. Unexpected happenings and communication breakdowns will be di rigeur! Buckle up!

Rafał Gałczyński

Learning history from Putin is like reading the Bible with the devil. Let's say the US collapses and is partitioned by Canada, Mexico and Russia ( Alaska.) After 100 years the US regains independence, but Texas and California stays with Mexico. Would it be all right for the US to fight for it? Poland faced the same dilemma in 1919-20 when it regained since the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth before the partitions encompassed vast areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania and Germany and it tried to retake its former lands. This politics brought a number of problems. Newly reborn Poland was a multi-ethnic state with hostile neighbors and troublesome minorities, of which the most difficult and dangerous were Ukrainians. They formed terrorist organizations which were responsible for numerous assassination attempts, assassinations, bomb attacks and so on. The Poland's approach towards Ukrainians became increasingly hostile with excluding Ukrainians from administrative posts and tearing down orthodox churches. Thanks to Stalin, who was a brutal dictator and a sadistic psycho anyway, we have a mono-ethnic state with better borders. So, do you really think that we would like to return to such a mess as we used to have before the WW2? We would have to be out of our minds. First of all, if we incorporated western Ukraine, people living there would get their EU citizenship. You realize what that means? Having the EU citizenship means that you can live and work in any EU country legally and you are entitled to all welfare benefits. Consequently, most Ukrainians from western Ukraine after our "annexation" would end up in Germany the very next day they could get the EU citizenship. And Germans realize that. They are already tired with the deluge of refugees from Muslim countries in the first place. And now they would have to deal with like a million of Ukrainians. I don't think so. They already have Kurds and Turks organizing regular street battles there and now the Ukrainians, who would most likely crash with Russians and there's a lot of Russians in Germany. As you can see, it is more complex than Mr Putin says and very unlikely.