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After we wrapped this one up, Badgerland Legend's Jeff half-joking asked if we performed our own ritual by engaging in this discussion. I can't help but wonder.

If nothing else, it seemed like something was working against me all weekend up to this recording. My main internet went out Saturday, was restored Sunday morning and died again that night. I had to scuttle and reschedule an interview I was engaged in.

I also fell of a ladder in between these developments. Hence, I came into this outing bruised and dependent on my back-up internet, which is satellite. Adding salt to the wound, its been rainy and overcast all day. Satellite internet is always touch and go in the best circumstances, but especially when there's bad weather. Even my cell phone has been MIA most of this day. Granted, the cell barely works in my little corner of West Virginia most days, but I normally have the ability to text. Not such today.

The struggle was real folks. So, I beg your pardon for the technical difficulties, which mired what is otherwise an epic discussion.

Using Neil Gaiman's 2001 classic American Gods as a touchstone, when engage in an epic discussion that encompasses and personifies the America of 2023. The breakdown of society; the false dichotomy; the warping of reality; the collision of high tech and high magick. Fairies, ghosts town, and Q dot the landscape. We even cover the corporate versus magical contrasts of Disney World and Disney Land. And of course, there's plenty of AI and time travel goodness.

As always, I hope you guys enjoy.

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis





Not trying to be a stickler but Disneyland is in Anaheim, part of Orange County.