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Rune Soup's Gordon White is back on The Farm. As Gordon, along with The Secret Sun's Christopher Knowles, are my two favorite geopolitical commentators, I took the opportunity to pick Gordon's brain about a variety of current events. 

Obviously the Russo-Ukraine War and related topics like Wagner and Zelensky's fate were on the docket. But we still managed to get pretty mystical, all the same. After taking stock of China and those pesky biolabs that keep turning up, we shift gears and hone in on domestic developments in the United States. The 2024 Elections, Elon Musk, the ongoing UFO Disclosure saga, and Blackrock are a few subjects up for discussion. 

But it all leads to the same thing: the collapse of the West. But also, new beginnings and new opportunities. 

Music by Keith Allen Dennis




Jon Spiegler

Ok, Tucker Carlson isn’t anti war. You can argue about some of the other claims in this interview but come on. Carlson’s entire project is war with China.

Jade Schulz

Another great conversation and content offering. What’s up with the Patreon comments for Recluse? Always surprised by how much negativity is expressed.


what information is Recluse sharing that's typically suppressed or de-emphasized? i suspect said info is the reason for said deprecation^