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Project Hammer, private military companies, private intelligence companies, Far West Ltd., Africa, plots to destabilize Africa, Apartheid South Africa, Eugene de Cocke, death squads, Civilian Cooperation Bureau (CCB), the Wonga Coup, Equatorial Guinea, Frederick Forsyth, Dogs of War, Spain, UK, People's Republic of China, Spanish/British/Chinese/South African support for coup, Executive Outcomes, Simon Mann, Tony Buckingham, Angola, Ely Calil, 2004 Madrid bombings, 2004 Spanish election, 2004 US election, Wonga's influence on 2004 Western elections, Eeben Barlow, Mark Thatcher, Sean Clearly, Strategic Concepts, World Economic Forum, Halliburton, Diligence LLC, Aegeis International, Erinys international, Tim Spicer, Viktor Karpukhin, KGB, Alpha forces, Defense Services Limited, Alistair Morrison, Kroll, Military Technical Services, Tai Minnaar, chemical and biological weapons, CBWs, Project Coast, South African PMCs smuggling CBWs, anthrax, role anthrax played in run up to and immediate aftermath of 9/11, Larry Ford, Steve Hatfill, Science Applications International Corporation, SAIC, Robert Gates, Meteoric Tactical Solutions, Lafras Luitingh, Saracen International, Erik Prince, Viktor Bout, Germany, Frankfurt, Bridge International, nuclear smuggling, Ukraine, Hoover Institute, Stanford, Peter Thiel, Palantir, "The Odessa Network," Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS), Putin, Sergey Kurginyan, Dick Cheney, Rosvooruzhenie, Ukrspetsexport, Igor Urbansky, Kaalbye Shipping, Iran, nukes smuggled to Iran & China, Sudan, Darfur, arms trafficking, Somalia, Somalian pirates, collaboration between Far West network & South Africa PMCs in Gulf of Aden, Project Hammer as funding for off-the-books nuclear/CBW program 

C4ADS report on Far West nuke smuggling: efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/http://media.wix.com/ugd/e16b55_bf858d0eea7a1726153452fbc09e70f1.pdf

"Secret History of International Fascism Part V":


This social has a lot of compelling information directly related to this topic. Strongly recommended as a primer. 

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis


Additional Music by: J Money Bag$



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