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During my first exploration of Charles Bausman, his headquarters in Lancaster, PA, and the White Russians backing him, I offered up a mostly parapolitical take on these subjects with the great Doc Inferno. This time around, I'm exploring the same subject, but with Susquehanna Alchemy's Michael Wann. Inevitably, this is a much more metaphysical exploration of a most pressing topic. 

And I know of no one better to take this dive with than Wann, who is both a former Lancaster resident and neighbor of Charles Bausman. Michael is able to offer up his unique insights on the Bausman family and their longstanding role in Lancaster. But that's only scratching the surface. Both Lancaster, and PA as a whole, have a rich tradition of both America First AND Rosicrucianism. I explore the former legacy, tracing it back to the OG America First, the Society of Cincinnati. Elsewhere, Michael breaks down Lancaster's rich Rosicrucian tradition, but with an emphasis on how it relates to the American Civil War. Was Trump set up as another James Buchanan to usher in the second American Civil War? 

That's just one of several mindbenders we address. Easily the last part of this episode is the most incredible. There were consider the staggering implications of Michael's concept of time lines. It leads to one inevitable conclusion: someone at least believes they're at war over which Time Lines will prevail. This is a theme I've previously explored with Denny Sergent, but the implications here are truly chilling.  

First musical break (4:30): a brief of American nationalism in PA and its origins in the Society of Cincinnati

Second musical break (24:40): Lancaster, PA's Rosicrucian tradition and its sacred geomancy 

Third musical break (1:40:20): Bringing it all back home: Bausman, the SOSJ, White Russians, Civil and Time Wars

More on the mystery rock Michael notes can be found here.

Note: this show was recorded at roughly the same exact time the attempted assassination of Konstantin Malofeev by Ukrainian-backed forces was unfolding. Malofeev is the second traditionalist-oriented figure, behind Dugin's daughter, targeted by these circles. This should illustrate how seriously the Anglo-American/OUN-B axis regards this network. And the synchronicities.... 

For more on Moon's links to Abe's assassination, check here.

Links to the first Far West show can be found here. The listener is strongly advised to  view both of these series as part of a bigger picture.

More information on the FBI's PATCON investigation and the Sovereign Order of Saint John can be found here and here.

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis


Additional music by: Corwin Trails




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