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Alt-right, The Right Stuff blog, TRS, Michael Peinovich, Mike Enoch, Joseph Jordan, Erick Striker, Tony Hovater, Unite the Right rally, TRS's role in Unite the Right, National Justice Party, NJP,  Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Charles Bausman, Russia Insider, Bausman's links to TRS/NJP, Konstantin Malofeev, Eastern Orthodoxy, Monarchism, Traditionalism, Malofeev as Russia's George Soros, Basil the Great Charitable Foundation, FSB, Igor Strelkov/Girkin, Ukraine, Crimea, Donbass, Malofeev's sponsorship of insurgency/Russian forces in Ukraine, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, Wagner Group, Renaissance Capital, Mikhail Prokhorov, Marshall Capital, telecommunications, White Russians, Serge de Pahlen, Agnelli family, Italian fascism, Propaganda Due, Vladimir Yakunin, Alexander Trubetskoy, Jean Goutchkov, Intermaritime Bank of New York, Bank of new York, Bruce Rappaport, BCCI, Aleksabdr Goutchkov, KGB, Sidney Reilly, Operation Trust, Sovereign Order of Saint John, SOSJ, Captive Nations, OUN-B, Ukrainian question, military/intel officers in SOSJ, SOSJ links to terrorism/PATCON/SOSJ in Continuity of Government, COG, American Gladio, American stay-behind, special operations forces, Operation Bloodstone, modern SOSJ linked to Joint Special Operations Command, Dialogue of Civilization, Nicholas Papanicolaou, Rick Joyner, General William Boykin, Sean Moon, Rod of Iron Ministries, Abe assassination, Sean Moon links to Bausman, Alexander Dugin, Eurasianism

After first musical break (4:30): TRS, NJP and Charles Bausman

After second musical break (1:01:40): Malofeev's spycraft and paramilitary adventures in Ukraine, White Russians, the Sovereign Order of Saint John, and the American Gladio

After third musical break (1:55:20): Sean Moon, Alexander Dugin and the new nationalism

Note: this show was recorded prior to the attempted assassination of Konstantin Malofeev by Ukrainian-backed forces. Malofeev is the second traditionalist-oriented figure, behind Dugin's daughter, that has been targeted by this milieu. This should illustrate how seriously the Anglo-American/OUN-B axis regards this network.

For more on Moon's links to Abe's assassination, check here.

Links to the first Far West show can be found here. The listener is strongly advised to  view both of these series as part of a bigger picture.

More information on the FBI's PATCON investigation and the Sovereign Order of Saint John can be found here and here.

Music by: Keith Allen Dennis


Additional music by: Corwin Trails





Love your recent work on Late Soviet Union/Early Russian Federation period!

Jade Schulz

Very interesting and orientating.